KontraS Independent Media Sarana Restorasi & Media Sarana Informasi Publik.
Www.KontraSindependent.com – 11 – November -2020 – Pasaman Barat- In 29 years exploiting protected forests and oil palm plantations without HGU(Hak Guna Usaha) in the Republic of Indonesian. Since 1991, 315 hectares of land belonging to the Kiawai community, Gunung Tuleh sub-district, West Pasaman Regency have been controlled and explored on a large scale using the name of a giant company like PT.Agrowiratama which is a subsidiary of Dr. Gan Lian Thiong (PT.MUSIM MAS GROUP).
PT.MUSIM MAS GROUP it self controls the sustainable palm oil business which is a mandatory and absolute requirement of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil or RSPO. The RSPO is an association of organizations from all sectors of the palm oil industry whose aim is to develop and implement global standards set for sustainable palm oil production for the planet.
PT.Agrowiratama allegedly never paid taxes on 315 hectares of land to the Republic of Indonesian. Even what challenged the commitment of the RSPO, namely the results of joint measurements with the police and forestry and witnessed by the Muara Kiawai community, it was found that around 150 hectares were protected forest.
The Muaro Kiawai community was represented by Deputy General Treasurer of the KNPI DPP, Fahrizein. SP is demanding a 10% profit sharing agreement from the 315 hectare land.

The funny thing is ..! The company confirmed, named Susanto Fitriadi, admitted that he was the company’s public relations officer, explaining that “PT Agrowiratama reported Fahrizen in accordance with the Plantation Law with the article on inhibiting activities”, explained Susanto Fitriadi.
Meanwhile, in front of the police, the company PT Agrowiratama openly claimed to have no HGU on the 315 hectare land. However, the West Pasaman Police have named the Deputy Head of the KNPI DPP, Fahrizen.SP, as a suspect ..!
“How could Fahrizein be accused of violating criminal offenses when PT Agrowiratama itself does not have rights in the 315 hectares of land?” Said Mahyudin Batubara, chairman of the Sumatra Regional Independent KontraS with a laugh. “The police must be smart in determining suspects against the small community. This can be a negative stigma against the police, too exposing the corporation between the company and the police. The Republic of Indonesia should not protect entrepreneurs who carry out tax evasion, ”explained the chairman of the Independent KontraS firmly.
(Fahmi Handri)